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About us

"Therefore, Since God in His mercy has given us this new way, we never give up."

2 Corinthians 4:1 NLT

Life started out on two wheels racing as a professional BMX racer for Jeston Langland. Facing adversity after a tragic crash that left him looking to God for closure during a time when the whole world was on lockdown, he would spend 2020 in a recovery bed. Doctors told him he would need to get a desk job and give up his passions, but God's plan was greater than the doctor's plans. He was determined to overcome adversity and get back on a bike again. This sparked what would become the "Full Send" that brings us here today, to a company that focuses on giving 100% of everything in your being to accomplish anything you set out to do. There are no half sends, only Full Sends, and we won't give anything less to our clients. 

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